12th Contemporary Art Biennial

I am especially happy that 3 of my artworks “Landscape
Diaries” were selected by the  commission for the 12th Strassen
Biennale of Contemporary Art. This edition is innovative because for the first
time it has imposed a theme on the participants: sustainability. The Landscape
Diaries project is my ongoing artistic effort to highlight a deep connection
with nature. Using environmentally friendly materials such as watercolor,
pencil and low-toxic acrylic paints, I aim to promote sustainable creativity
and living. Inspired by Luxembourg’s local nature, my daily sketches capture
intimate moments and encounters with wild nature. In addition, I show
landscapes from other countries I have visited - Germany, France, Spain,
Lithuania and Slovakia - praising their natural beauty and encouraging efforts
to preserve it.

Save the date: The opening of the 12th Strassen
Biennale of Contemporary Art will take place on May 10. at 7 p.m. at Centre
Culturel Paul Barblé in Strassen.

The exhibition will last from 11.05.2024 - 26.05.2024.

Poster of the 12e Biennale d'Art Contemporain. Contemporary Art Biennial in Strassen, Luxembourg, Europe.

Poster  of the ‘12e Biennale d’Art Contemporain’

Artwork by Asta Kulikauskaite Krivickiene in the 12th Contemporary Art Biennial. Landscape Diary, 2023-2024, mixed media on paper, 90x120 cm

My artwork in the biennial. Landscape Diary, 2023-2024, mixed media on paper, 90x120 cm

Babel project

The Babel Project is successfully traveling around the world. 

More than one year ago Empreinte Atelier in Luxembourg invited artists to join a new international printmaking project. 

Team Babel launched in autumn 2022 ”Project Babel”, a collaborative project inviting international printmakers and print studios. 335 printmakers in 40 studios from 19 countries were creating together an artwork that is based on the painting “The Great Tower of Babel” (1563) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. 

The Tower of Babel is an origin myth and parable in the Book of Genesis meant to explain why the world’s peoples speak different languages.

The idea of the project in Finland studio has been to share the original image of the tower into segments. Each participant has got one segment (chosen by lottery) and created their own version using different printmaking techniques. In the end, all the works were gathered as a new tower.

The size of the work of one artist is 13 x 17 cm, and the final work will be approximately 245 cm x 335 cm. 

On December 14th 2023, the first Babel exhibition was open in Galleria Ratamo in Jyväskylä, Finland. The project exhibition is currently taking place in the USA at Constellation Studios, in Nebraska. Later, the exhibition will travel further to Denmark. 

Happy to be a part of it!

Babel tower, 2023, 245 cm x 335 cm. View of the exhibition in Galleria Ratamo in Jyväskylä, Finland

Babel tower, 2023, 245 cm x 335 cm. View of the exhibition in Galleria Ratamo in Jyväskylä, Finland

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, ‘The Tower of Babel, 1563, oil on wood panel, 114 cm × 155 cm. The Tower of Babel is an origin myth and parable in the Book of Genesis meant to explain why the world's peoples speak different languages.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, ‘The Tower of Babel, 1563, oil on wood panel, 114 cm × 155 cm

Luxembourg Art Week 2023

I was happy and thankful to Empreinte Atelier studio for the opportunity to participate and be represented at the international art fair Luxembourg Art Week 2023. 

It is wonderful to feel strong support and to be around such experienced and talented Luxembourg artists. 

Thanks to the Empreinte Atelier, organizers, participants and contributors. 

Hope to see you again in the next year.

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