The LANDSCAPE DIARY project is my long-term artistic commitment to draw attention to the importance of a deep connection with nature. When starting these series, one of my goals was to make use of available paper scraps, thereby reducing environmental damage. Using paints and mediums with minimal environmental impact such as watercolour, pencil, and less toxic acrylic paints, I aim to inspire the idea of sustainable creativity and lifestyle. The project did not require special conditions, a large studio, or other high resource costs. In these paintings, the local landscape of Luxembourg became the main source of inspiration, which is reflected in majority sketches in this series. These sketches are my daily diary of landscapes, intimate moments, inner journey, and encounters with wild nature. I also present landscapes from other countries in a collection of three sets of small paintings. Germany, France, Spain, Lithuania, and Slovakia - these are the countries I visited in the last few years. I explore the natural and diverse nature, the beauty and uniqueness of which is priceless. I hope to encourage people to see the value of their environment and the importance of preserving it.
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