September 11, 2023You are kindly invited to visit the painting exhibition “UN(REAL) LANDSCAPES” showcasing the artworks of two Lithuanian artists, Gintaras Gesevičius and Asta Kulikauskaitė-Krivickienė.
The exhibition is dedicated to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, and its 700-year celebration.
The exhibition will last from 19th of September until December, 2023 at the gallery area of the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg.
I am grateful to Dr. Laima Andrikienė for the invitation to hold an exhibition of painting works in the ECA space.
As the event will be at the ECA premises, people need to confirm their visiting due to the security protocol by email Angela Ortiz Munoz ortizmunoz@eca.europa.eu or message direct to Asta